Political party first in the world! Mars Party 21st. Budget to Mars?

Pluslectic philosophy, would be the future vision for the Mars colonization.
The first declaration and Platform for the Foundation of the political party in the world, known as Mars Party. It was written and created by Pedro Villanueva at the date of January 2016 and registered intellectual property.
Mars Party promotes the policy of increasing the budget to colonize Mars and that would help to create better employment opportunities, technological and cultural development on Earth. For more information about Mars Party, visit this Link: https://pluslecticphilosophy.wordpress.com/2016/01/21/first-mars-party-in-the-world/
Pedro Villanueva wrote a philosophy known as Pluslectic, that develops in a vision of positive feedback in the pre-feeding positive in general system theory. If you wish to inquire more about this new philosophy which was published in the  Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies.
 Visit the Link about Pluslectic philosophy: http://centrodepensamientovillanueva.blogspot.cl/2013/03/centro-de-pensamiento-pedro-villanueva.html
How to apply the Pluslectic philosophy in Mars Party and future colonization on this planet?
Pedro Villanueva adds a new policy in the Party Platform of Mars. Legalize the use and treatment regular astronauts, with smart drugs such as Piracetam and Adrafinil and also proposes the use of drugs that reduce negative emotions as e.g. Metyrapone that blocks the bad memories, the use of oxytocin and endorphins to improve collaboration between the astronauts and positive mood.
Because at the moment, there is little enough technology that can achieve that astronauts can live long in space. To survive and colonize Mars requires much intelligence, a new phase of learning and a good state of mind that reduce negative emotions.
It is likely that these astronauts with a medical treatment controlled with these innovative drugs, acquire a higher intelligence level, a State of values and emotions more positive and profound than the humans on Earth. They are necessary to survive on Mars and at the same time, future colonizers astronauts can also help find new solutions and technologies to the Earth.
Pluslectic philosophy as it is inspired by the positive feedback, is an example such as the use of smart drugs and drugs that reduce negative emotions, is a positive input into the new system psychosocial in future Mars colonization.